Thursday, July 7, 2016

A First To Beijing

Travelling with friends for the first time, even good friends I might add, is a somewhat delicate expe-rience. Although we may know each other well, being in close proximity and having to navigate the decision-making process for almost a week, is a challenge that will either strengthen our friendships or otherwise. 

Having accepted an invite to visit Beijing with two friends leading up to the Hari Raya holidays, the intent to keep an open mind and to be flexible in terms of sightseeing and food was a wise move, resulting in an immensely enjoyable trip, and friendships that are now on an even more solid footing. 

With this visit to Beijing being a first for me, I appreciated the care and effort taken to introduce me to the city and its many attractions as well as its cuisine. Attention to detail is a boon when travelling with a hotelier amongst us, and the opportunity to experience the hospitality of two of the leading hotels in the city is something to remember. A progressive city that values the past, lovely weather and good company make for an enjoyable trip indeed. 

Johan, Brennen and I at Today Art Museum in Beijing, China.

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