Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Jessie And Yoong

13 wedding industry friends attended the wedding banquet in celebration of Jessie and Yoong's nuptials on Sunday evening. A lot of us started as industry colleagues and over time have become friends, which makes attending such celebratory events together much fun. Incidentally, Jessie is the co-owner of favour company Xocolati.

We are also a fairly sporting bunch. In wanting to create a lasting memory for the bride and groom, the 13 of us serenaded the newlyweds, in Mandarin nonetheless, with only 5 in the group actually being able to speak Mandarin! We never even practised as a group, in fact, we only had 3 practice sessions with with less than a 50% turnout each time. But we pulled it off, thanks to everyone having practised at home to a 'minus one' provided by our friend and wedding chanteuse Janet.

Jessie and Yoong were touched by our gesture and seeing the expressions on their faces made the endeavour extremely worthwhile. Much congratulations again Jessie and Yoong!

Photo of our songsheet with lyrics in Chinese and English phonetics.


  1. How come you didn't pass this to me for memory??

  2. It's with Debra and she will pass to you when you next meet her.
