Friday, December 23, 2011

Winter Solstice Festival

My family, both immediate and extended, celebrates the Winter Solstice Festival 'Kor Tung' every year. Since we were kids, we were told by our grandparents that 'Kor Tung is bigger than Chinese New Year', in terms of significance that is. So we gather, have a good meal and enjoy each other's company.

This year, like in years past, we gathered at the family home. When my grandparents were still around, they would cook up a storm, up to ten dishes no less. Since their passing, 'pot luck' has been the norm, with still a pretty good variety of dishes to savour.

Cultural traditions are very important in my family. These are the occasions where we can strengthen and maintain our family ties. We plan to keep this up.

Photo of dishes served last night.

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