Thursday, January 12, 2012

Group Travel

Traveling in a group requires patience and compro-mise. When in Hong Kong to attend my cousin Roy's wedding recently, we were a group of eight who traveled from Kuala Lumpur. With different interests, eating habits and so forth, a bit of give and take was necessary to ensure that we all had a good time.

Being flexible with the itinerary and activities planned, both for the wedding and for leisure, meant that we could make any necessary adjustments when called for. 'Chill and go with the flow' was a constant reminder.

Most importantly, we achieved our aim of being part of Roy and Ming's celebration. Add to that some shopping, much food and catching up with friends and a pleasant trip it was indeed.

Photo of Suk Harn, Mum and I on the morning of Ming and Roy's wedding in Ping Shan, New Territories, Hong Kong.

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