Friday, May 25, 2012

Shanghai Jazz Goes Cabaret

I watched my friend Janet perform Wednesday night at No Black Tie. Great show, wonderful company, an enjoyable evening it was. My knowledge of the language is practically zero but it was not difficult to appreciate the repertoire of mainly Mandarin songs. Some were familiar to me melody wise, others not so. Still one could pick up on the nuances of the lyrics by the emotive delivery. One particular song I loved much, I forget its name, but was translated to me as it was sung. It certainly made me appreciate the song more. It made it more appealing, more meaningful.

Although it has always drawn rave reviews, I had never been to No Black Tie. I like the place. The intimate setting, the atmosphere. Laid back yet sophisticated in its own way. I'll be finding my way back there in future I am sure.

In the meantime, I look forward to catching up with Janet over lunch or tea soon.

Photo by Brandon Lim, courtesy of Janet Lee, shot at No Black Tie.

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