Monday, March 28, 2011


I had wanted to go watch Michael Buble's concert but as usual left it to the last minute and was told that tickets were sold out. Then I saw a friend's status on Facebook indicating that she wouldn't be able to attend and had tickets to sell, fairly pricey tickets too at RM850 a piece.

An afternoon tea and some business talk later, I had my tickets. Suffice to say whatever deal I made was worth it. Fab singing, fab songs, fab moves, fab cajoling. My only complaint - below par air conditioning and needless to say, the toilets at the stadium. I was also hoping to hear this song live but alas it was not in his repertoire that evening.

I have in the past missed many a concert because of procrastination. I've learnt my lesson. In future, I'll be quick to pounce on tickets. Slap me if I don't!

Michael Buble's Crazy Love Tour.

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