Friday, November 19, 2010

Leap Of Faith

Sometimes one finds oneself in a situation where one has to decide whether to take a leap of faith. In instances where facts and figures are part of the equation, it is an easier decision to make. The level of uncertainty rises when one has to only rely on gut feel and instinct. And the reality is that when the resultant outcome will be of a big impact, for better or worse that is, then whether to jump or not takes on such bigger proportions.

It's true when people say 'you only live once'. And if you subscribe to that motto, then perhaps a leap ain't such a big deal. That is if one is willing and ready to accept the ramifications.

Yes, I am rambling, in the hope that by rambling, I may find some light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps I should just bite the bullet and hope that the outcome is a pleasant one.

Photo shot at Yoros Kalesi in Anadolu Kavagi, Turkey, with a view of the Bosphorus meeting the Black Sea.

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