Thursday, April 28, 2011


Sometimes a certain story plot in a TV series strikes a chord and makes one contem-plate the issue at hand. We watch TV for entertainment first and foremost but I think we can learn a lesson or two every now and then too.

Once in a while, I feel vulnerable and these are the occasions when I seem to be more susceptible to identifying with the issues that a particular episode is trying to convey. Rather than just brush it off as entertainment, I tend to ponder and deliberate.

Whether we like to admit it or not, we all have our insecurities, our inadequacies, we have our as yet unfulfilled aspirations, we have our fears. I'd like to think that being able to acknowledge such shortcomings is the first step in working towards redemption. Overcoming these nagging worries takes strength and courage, resolve, perseverance, determination and steadfastness. The will of the human spirit is what will help us along our way.

Contemplating by the sea.

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