Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Don't ask me why but I suddenly feel very inspired. I was supposed to wind down work these last two weeks of the year, spend some time with my godparents who are arriving from Adelaide in a few days, my mum and my sister. And what do I do? I accept an offer to work on a writing project.

Thing is, I always relish a challenge. The challenge was to pick up where someone left off. Actually, not quite so. I'd be starting from scratch as I never like to clean up someone else's mess. There are good foundations though and it's always easier to take on a project that has some good content in place, in this case, pretty good photos. I'll just have to put on my thinking cap to illustrate the images through words.

Of course, the fact that a friend asked, tipped the scale in favour of my participation. Now, I've set myself a goal of completing the text before Chinese New Year. That's quite a tall order but as long as I keep myself motivated, I seldom miss deadlines. Fingers crossed!

Photo of my congratulatory message to Leticia and Tjun Hong on 10.10.10.

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