Thursday, December 17, 2009

Time For Reflection

It's that time of the year where I find myself looking back at the past 12 months and seeing how it has impacted my life. Yes, I tend to look back, when in fact, I should be looking forward. Nevertheless, looking back helps me evaluate and hopefully puts me in a better position to tackle what lies ahead.

I always tell myself to embrace the future, have a positive mindset, and all that is good will fall into place. Each encounter, each happy moment, each not so happy moment, they all happen for a reason I believe. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. And each wonderful circumstance that one comes across is a catalyst for greater opportunities.

So, I shall be upbeat in these last 2 weeks of 2009 and bring such optimism into the new year that is 2010. Living life to the fullest and experiencing the multi-faceted emotions that life's encounters elicit shall be my battle-cry. Yesterday evening, I overheard a doctor acquaintance urge his patients to read an article that he recently wrote. Do have a read. I shall be smelling the roses indeed.

Such a happy photo, shot in Bali, Indonesia.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the optimism, Kris.
    It spreads ;)
    May 2010 be a swell one for all :)
