Friday, January 15, 2010


I like making decisions and taking a stand. I hate being in limbo. Yes, decisive I am. It works to my advantage at times, at other times not.

I appreciate that some circumstances warrant keeping one's options open. Admittedly I am not great at that. But I do so when situations require me to act in such a manner. Having said that, the window is normally a relatively short one. My instinctual trait is to make my mind up and move on, not linger. Sure, I have had missed opportunities because of this characteristic of mine but by and large, being earnest has had its upsides more than the down.

I am at a crossroads at present. Some have advised me to keep my options open for now. It's a trying time, but it's definitely good to be receptive to good counsel.

Photo of some of my friends and I serenading Jessie and Yoong at their wedding, courtesy of Zach Chin Photography.

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